Game 17. Freeze Blue (H) (L)
1. Hoover.
2. Warren Peas hurls a shutout - yes she only faced nine shots, but it is hard to keep your concentration when the puck is on the other side of the rink. You start to think of what you're going to have for lunch, your husband in the stands, life in general.
3. I was waiting for this match-up all season: Pope versus Pope. And when the Lightning was up by eight goals in the third, the forwards switched up with the defensemen and it was real Pope on Pope action!
4. This was the last game on the regular season, and most of the team convened at the old watering hall. By my records, the Lightning went 17-1-1 and head into next month's playoffs heavy favorites.
Game puck: Hlin (2 goals, 2 assists, +8, 24:03 TOI). Incidentally, she earned the season's first game puck.
And now … on to the second season.
Pope on pope action! Very timely!